Group show of Scottish and Ukranian artists at the John Gray Centre , 11th Oct 24 to 25th Jan 25.
Exhibition on at the Wee Hub , Ocean Terminal, Leith .
For more info visit Boneswingers Gallery.
Missy Hortense sculpture and animation commission for the Unicorn Exhibition at the new Perth Museum, 29th Mar-22nd Sept 2024.
Art and Photography exhibition : Ira Andreichuk, Vika Yasynska, Cathy Bell, Robert McCubbin, David Hutchison, Hannah Evans & Carol Evans at The Wee Hub brought to you byB THELMA (The Living Memory Association), Ocean Termional, 25th Feb -24th Mar 2024.
The closing exhibition at The Home of Irresistible Art, Wee Hub, Ocean Terminal, Oct 2023.
A little girl Joan and her cat Sheba imagine why the Manx cat does not have a tail. From the biblical legend of Noah's ark to Sheba's ancestor ship's cat Phee's meeting with space traveller Captain Tobias, will they discover the true story?
Group show Plastic Fantastic opens from Thursday 10th Aug until 3rd Oct 2023. Features Cathy Bell, Anjila Wilson, Agnes Moon Art (Hugh Mooney, Agnes Carvosso), Linda Scott-Westwood, Hannah Evans, Alan Armstrong and myself.
The Home of Irresistible Art, The Wee Hub, Ocean Terminal, EH6 6JJ.
Crodh Chailein (Colin's Cattle) animation at Juxtapose Art Fair 2023, Denmark
Pride exhibition, Sett Gallery Leith, 2023.
ALL MIXED UP. The Home of Irresistible Art, The Wee Hub, Ocean Terminal, EH6 6JJ from 27th June to 7th Aug 2023.
AYE, AYE. The Home of Irresistible Art, The Wee Hub, Ocean Terminal, EH6 6JJ from 20th April, 2023.
The theme is both to do with the saying "aye,aye" which is used on sea and in space and as its soundalike "eye,eye". I created a set of eyes from upcycled plywood, painted with acrylic and enhanced with found plastic.
Lockdown Landscapes & Beyond, Chaplaincy Centre, Edinburgh University. 14th Mar to 7th April 2023.
The Book of Skulls. A series of paintings illustrating my debut historical novel. The Home of Irresistible Art, The Wee Hub, Ocean Terminal. 21st Jan to 19th Mar 2023.
Lovehearts 2. 1st Dec 2022 to 17th Jan 2023. The Home of Irresistible Art,Wee Hub, Ocean Terminal,Leith.
Lovehearts Part 1 exhibition, 1st to 30th Nov 2022 at The Home of Irresistible Art,Wee Hub,Ocean Terminal,Edinburgh.
Lockdown Landscapes exhibition,Aug-Oct 2022, at The Home of Irresistible Art,Wee Hub,Ocean Terminal,Edinburgh.
The Achiltibuie Stone painting created for the Spirit of The Highlands award .
The Achiltibuie Stone tells the story of two children who discover a runestone in the dry stone dyke between their crofts.
The Book of Skulls exhibition, Sept 2022, Monboddo, Doubletree Hilton, Bread St, Edinburgh.
Crodh Chailein animation at the Lacuna Festival 2022.
Click screens at Horror On Sea Film Festival 2022 and at at Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2021.
Screening of Tilleadh and The New Curios videos as a guest in Cathy Young's exhibition Planet A.
Cats Go Bananas wins the Audience Award at the Deep Fried Film Festival,2021, screens at the 14th British Shorts Film Festival, Berlin,2021, Portobello Film Festival 2020 and broadcast on London Live TV,2020.
The New Curios screens at Lacuna Festival, 2021 and at Earl's Court Film Festival 2020.
Ghost Dogs broadcast on London Live TV, 25th Nov, 2020
Fidra 2 at Aberdeen Artist Society exhibition, Coming Home, 2020.
Medical Inspirations. 21st Oct to 7th Nov,2019. Chaplaincy Centre, Edinburgh University, 1 Bristo Sq, Edinburgh EH8 9AL
Inverness Film Festival 9th Nov 2019
Set up my Reef sculpture (created from plastic gathered from beaches around the world) 21.7.18 as part of the Art at Waterstone's exhibition in Livingston organised by Cathy Bell. The theme is The Sea. Very appropriate as same day as my wee brother Duncan set off on his one man row from New York to Lochinver. You can track him here
Here's Jock Urquhart handing over the painting to winner of raffle Catriona McDonald . Thanks to Mairearad Green for organising exhibition and Effie MacKenzie for organising the raffle. We raised £209 for WaterAid
Group show at Waterstones in Almondvale Centre, Livingston, until end of May 2018. I'm showing my paintings The Bay of Echoes and Storm Raft, both from my children's book Storm Hags.Exhibition organised by Cathy Bell.
Suilven Towers High, The Ceilidh Place, 14 West Gyle St, Ullapool, from 11th Mar to 26th April, 2018.
The world premiere screening of Baobhan Sith was on 29th Jan 2017 at the Horror-On-Sea Film Festival.
This Is Earth, group exhibition 8th Oct -18th Nov 2017
Seordag & The Deadgirls, Cameo Cinema Bar, Apr 24th to 2nd Jun,2017. BBC Review
Graders wins Best Feature Award at Nemffest 8.10.12
Graders has its US premiere at Gotham Screen International Film Festival,New York 25.09.12
BBC article on Graders
One of my e-toads at the Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh. Exhibition runs from Sat 30th Oct to 15th Dec, 2010.
The InArt Collective's new exhibition is at Oceam Terminal, Edinburgh from1st Dec to 31st Dec 2010. Artists: Anjila Wilson,James Page,Cathy Bell,Maureen MacLeod and myself. The graphics were designed by Grant Wilson.
21st May2009. Zombie Lick showing as part of B-Sides through New Media Scotland. at Eyebeam, New York.
Carousel is showing at Visions in the Nunnery. Selected by Tessa Garland and Cinzia Cremona , Visions 09 features 56 artists from 12 different countries to highlight an exciting art form thriving with enthusiasm and challenges. Opening times:Sat 23rd-Sun 24th May, Sat 30th-Sun 31st May 12 noon -6.00pm. Critical Forum: Sun 24th May 3.00pm -5.30pmThe Nunnery, Bow Arts Lane, 181-183 Bow Rd, London
Taffa the digital tasseomancer and Zombie Lick are both part of Pocket Shorts. Pocket Place Scotland is the proud host of Scottish Screen’s Pocket Short initiative, hosting three years worth of innovative mobile content and application for the mobile platform.
My sculpture Balance (bronze, wax, bogwood) is showing at the Society of Scottish Artists exhibition at the Vision Building , Dundee from 23 May – 19 June 2009. The exhibition shares the space with the Duncan of Jordanston Degree show so it's a kind of homecoming for me ( I graduated at Duncan of Jordanston in 1996).
inArt Contemportary Art Exhibition at John Muir's Birthplace, 126 High St, Dunbar, 13th Jan to 14th Feb 2010. Artists: Cathy Bell, Marjory Crooks, Susie Goodwin, David HUtchison, Donald McKenzie, Robert McCubbin and James Page.
E-toads at RSA Spring Open 18th April to 20th May 2009
Students of my animation class have work showing in the exhibition
lives II. Out of the Blue 29 January-23 February 2009
WHALE 26 Februrary-27 March 2009. North Edinburgh Arts Centre 2 April-5
May 2009.
Zombie Lick screened at One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau, Switzerland , 22 to 24th August. 2008
CCA, Glasgow, Wednesday 28th May.Paris, France: February 15-16-17: as part of "Economie 0", at Ménagerie de Verre
inArt presents an exhibition featuring films by James Page and myself, work by Cathy Bell and Paddi O'Brien (who have collaborated previously) on the themes of Poverty and Pollution - and more... Tues 17th Feb 2009, Almondvale Sq, The Centre, Livingston.
Two of my short stories are published in issue 3 of the e-magazine The Ranfurly Review. The Book of Skin was inspired by a trip to Surgeon's Hall, Edinburgh. Rubber Up Ducky was inspired by my condom dispensor videosculpture Kitschen.
Storm Hags & Other Stories exhibition at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 26th May - 5th July.
Tues 13th May 6.30pm
macrobert arts centre
Stirling University
Bower Bird at the Visual Arts Scotland exhibition 2008, gets a mention in The Scotsman
The InArt Collective present the new exhibition Coast to Coast at Dunbar Library. 19th May to 14th June.
Carousel won the Ya Tube competition, organized by The Leith Agency for the 2007 Leith Festival.
Eyeloch and Carousel shown at GOLDMEMBER; the Embassy Gallery Annual Member Show,Sept to Oct 2007.
The InArt Collective present SALT; an exhibition at the Port Inn, Leith. From 20th Oct to 22nd Nov. Artists: Robert McCubbin, Donald McKenzie, Yvonne Hutchinson, David Hutchison, Cathy Bell, Maureen McLeod , James Page
Seordag Storiest is at the Port Inn from 28th August to 19th Oct.
InArt presents a new exhibition at The Almondvale Centre, Livingston.
Thursday 17th 6-8pm.
Depressionists. A multi-media showcase of Edinburgh artists and
special guests at Craigmillar art space. Harewood Drive, (off Niddrie
mains Rd by Richmond Church.)
Featuring: Dawn Archibald, John Elder, Johann Flett, Denny Hunter,
David Hutchison, Markus Karkus, Arek Kozak, Morag Patterson, Sandra
Mackie, Ray Miles, Paul Moore
18th-25th May 2007 12-4pm.
La Sonate du Zebre at the Embassy Gallery's Le Carnaval des Animaux at ECA Sculpture Court. April 2007. The painting was sold at auction for the ESSA project.
Rionnagan Gaoil (Stars of Love) and Tilleadh (The Returning) , both videos I created and part of the programme ‘Passages’, coordinated by Fields and Frames in the early 90s, A one-off screening at Street Level, Wednesday 21st April, 7pm as part of Glasgow International Festival of Visual Arts, 2010. Street Level Photoworks,Trongate 103, Glasgow G1 5HD, f: 0141 552 2151
A shorter version of Furnace is screening in the international competition at the 2009 One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau, Switzerland, 21- 23 August 2010.
The Cammy Leon Gallery is the alter-ego of Dunning; a leading design agency in the heart of Glasgow! Commencing on Friday 27th November we are set to open the doors to our first exhibition, "The Secret Stramash of Spectacular Shenanigans".
Two of my landscapes are on show at the Peter Potter Gallery Open Exhibition, Haddington. Sat 4th April to Sat 30th May, 2009.
My video Furnace was created especially for Kino London. It was screened inside an inflatable igloo in the Clore ballroom of the Southbank Centre on 11th Jan 2009. It will also be screened at the World Community Art Day in Livingston on Tues 17th Feb 2009.
E- Octopus(bronze) is displayed at the ECA Art Studies Student Exhibition 2009, Sculpture Court,14th to 22nd April 2009
Carousel screened at
Simultan04 Festival,
Romania, October 23 to 25, 2008
CAROUSEL EYELOCH and KITSCHEN to be shown. Dates: January 21-23, and 28-30 and February 4-6, 2008 Times: 7:30pm-10:30pm (perfomance poetry, performance art, cabaret, and film begin at 7:30pm; play starts at 8:30pm) Cost: £5 (con £4 with flyer) Location: The Miller, 96 Snowsfields Road, London Bridge, London SE1 3SS (nearest Tube: London Bridge) Tel: 07890604280
Off beat is the latest exhibition by the InArt Collective. Feb 27th, 28th, 29th 2008. Almondvale Shopping Centre, Livingston.
Red Fields exhibition (solo show). The Port Inn, Leith.
Ensight. Junk DNA Egg shows at multimedia art exhibition, charting the evolution from raw science data into works of art. EnSight Gallery, 51 Home Street, Edinburgh courtesy of Edinburgh International Science Festival.
Much Later is shown at the The Aspect Prize 2007 Exhibition, Paisley Museum.
Brahan Seer sculpture exhibited at Society of Scottish Artists Exhibition 2006.
Edinburgh International Film Festival. Zombie Lick wins Pocket Shorts 60-1 Competition
Zombie Lick shown at The Embassy's "Night of a 1000 Trips", ECA Sculpture Garden, Edinburgh.
"B-Sides" Upgrade! Belgrade.International annual gathering in Oklahoma City, USA
Embassy Gallery Members Show, 76 East Crosscauseway,Edinburgh.
A public reading of "The Alienist" at the National Galleries of Scotland on Thursday 19th April 2007 5.30-7pm, part of the Scotsman Creative Writing Competition 2007 in association with the English Speaking Union and Scottish Poetry Library.
Mathar Na Moine at the National Film Theatre, London, as part of the Hayward Gallery surreal exhibition.
Wall Art exhibition. inArt Collective Contemporary Art Exhibition at The Almondvale Centre, Livingston.
SeordagTV Screening at Filmhouse, Edinburgh.
Fèis Drama Na H-Òigridh. Gaelic Youth Theatre Festival 2006. An extract of "Càit An Dèan Mi Mo Nead?" was performed by the Gaelic Youth Theatre at the MacPhail Theatre
Peccadilloes at the Visual Arts Scotland 2006 exhibition at the Royal Society of Artists, The Mound, Edinburgh.
Super Shorts, Soho, London.
March to the Midden,The Arches, Glasgow (solo show)
Society of Scottish Artists Exhibition.
Absolute Art, Ocean Terminal, Edinburgh.
Load of Rubbish? Dynamo Gallery, Manchester.
2003,Ceilidh Place,Sutherland.
Go See Festival. Hants.
Flying Sheep, Inverness Museum & Art Gallery.
Group Show,Candid Arts Centre, Islington, London.
Tacsi Arts Programme, Scottish Television.
Kitsch, Reel to Reel video festival,Glasgow.
TV Cearc, Edinburgh Film & Video Expo,Filmhouse,Edinburgh.
Duncan of Jordanston College of Art Degree Show, Dundee.
Uruisg na H'Alba , Annecy International Animation Festival, France.
Georges Pompidou Centre, Paris, France.
Scotty at Joy, Fotofeis.
Rionnagan Gaoil, Aberdeen Art Gallery.
Vau de Ville, Rex Mahler Festival,Wales.
Cartoon D’Or Festival, Inverness.
Passages,Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh.
Faust,Tabour Gallery, Kent.
Inspired by the Far North, St Fergus Gallery, Wick.
Mather na moine, Streetlevel Gallery, Glasgow.
Environmently Friendly? Phoenix Arts Centre, Leicester.
Cearc Agus Ubh, First Reels Award, Scottish Television.
An Calaman, World Wide 1 min TV Festival, Brazil.
Rave Oberlion, New Visions Festival, Glasgow.
Tilleadh, BP International Expo, Riverside Studios, London.
The Cerealean Sea, Solo exhibition,Glasgow City of Culture,Pearse Institute, Glasgow.
Mathar Na Moine, First Reels Award, Scottish Television, also screened on Grampian TV and at Filmhouse,Edinburgh
Solo show at Highland Printmakers Workshop, Inverness.
Neokitsch, WASPS Gallery, Edinburgh.
Deitch, Pop up Gallery, Lothian Rd, Edinburgh.
Ceilidh Place, Ullapool (need to check date but possibly 1986).
Various exhibitions. Deitch Gallery, Inverkirkaig, Lochinver.
Various exhibitions. Culag Hotel, Lochinver.